Muddy images can make even the best illustrated plans look terrible - don’t settle for ‘stock’ imagery.
Drone Imagery:
Our Unmanned Aerial System (UAS, or drone) can capture extremely high resolution aerial imagery. Think less than 1.0 inches per pixel - that’s really high definition. With this, you can pick out small details, changes in landuse, impervious cover that you couldn’t see previously or that had been mis-identified in other imagery, and create highly accurate measurements of construction site progress or building evolution over time.
Standard Imagery:
Widely available from a variety of sources like Bing, Google, Open Street Map, and other local sources like the Vermont Center for Geographic Information, this imagery is great for coarse analysis of landuse, impervious cover determination for larger areas, or other ‘planning’ level efforts. But for fine-scale design, progress tracking, or permit compliance efforts, there are better products out there.